Saturday, January 5, 2013


New year - new resolutions. So I know the start of the new year usually means new ways to reinvent yourself, cut bad habits, try new things, etc etc.

Not me.

I simply just want to continue living my life. By living I do mean living, not simply surviving day to day. I mean splurging on things - having a drink, or two, or three, but most importantly going on vacations, even if it means there's no money left in the bank, because afterall "travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer."

Also in 2013 I simply hope to take the next step in my life. I'm graduating college FINALLY!! With that, I need to find a "big girl job" which means getting out of retail FINALLY (no offense to anyone working retail, I've been doing it since I was 14). Simultaneously I am eager to get into grad school, I want to be a professor some day. High Hopes!

But, for the now, I'll start with the near future - spring break with my boyfriend (who I've been dating for 4 years... hint hint) in VEGAS! Which leads to the inspiration behind this blog and things I will create, mostly my chalkboard. I got my chalkboard idea from one of the best blogs ever.